Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

The Grove is a mainstream, inclusive school that fully complies with the requirements outlined in the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice (2015).

We have an attached Communication and Interaction (Low COIN) centre with places for pupils throughout EYFS, KS1 and KS2. Pupils attending the centre all have Education and Health Care Plans or Special Needs Statements where Communication and Interaction is noted to be the primary need. Pupils attending the centre will also be able to access the mainstream curriculum and will therefore also have a place in the mainstream classroom. For more information about our COIN Centre click here to the taken to The Link.

The SENCOs at The Grove are Mrs Linsey Mott (Tuesday-Friday) and Miss Rachel Ramsbottom (Monday/Tuesday am). They can be reached on 01276 22447 or senco@grove.kite.academy.

More information about Special Educational Needs in Surrey can be found at www.surreylocaloffer.org.uk.

Further SEND resources and signposting to support families are available here.

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